I’m Lucía Recondo, and I’m 16 years old. My birthday is on October, 29 th. I live with my mother, her name is Raquel and my brother, his name is Agustín. They are the most important for me. I have an important friendship with my brother, he is my best friend, my little friend. He is fantastic.
I studying in the highschool N°3, and I have a extra activity, I study English since I stayed in fourth grade in the school, I won a beca.
Also, I will be going to the gym, and do pilates, I think is a curious activity.
I don’t have a lot of friends, but a have a really friends,
because they are the best persons who I know, they help me in many situations,
also when I can’t express really well my feelings. They are my confidents and they stay with me all time, in goods moments or in
the complicated situations.
For me, the music is essential, I love music. My favorites bands are
Ntvg, Once Tiros, Tan Bionica, and different songs the others bands, for example,
Simple Plan, Oasis, Blink-182, Foo Fighters, etc, but love a one band so much: Maroon
5! I love it.