martes, 30 de julio de 2013


Equal adoption is the possibility that all couples can adopt. No matter the sex of them, it is the equality of all people and allow their rights to be respected. It is a very dificult topic even in society because of discrimination; people do not accept the difference. The changes are not easy, but the intention is to walk against discrimination, and to accept diversity. Since September 2009, same-sex couples joined by a civil union can adopt together. So the progress continue and Uruguay accepts equal adoption.

I found some opinions, for example, Margarita Percovich said: "It is a right for the boys and the girls, not a right for the adults". Based on the supporters of LGTB adoption, they suggest that many children are in need of homes and claim that parenting ability is unrelated to sexual orientation.
In this photo you can see a happy family. All people need the opportunity and nobody can judge.

It is necessary for all people to accept the diversity and have the capacity to not judge the different ways to express love. In my opinion, equal adoption is one idea for progress, the principal intention is to promote the right for all children: to have a family!

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